
Town of Sharon

Zoning Board of Appeals


March 14, 2007





Attending Regular Members: John Lee, Kevin McCarville, Lee Wernick

Alternate Members: Walter Newman, Larry Okstein


The hearing was called to order at 8:10 p.m.



#1554              Pine Woods Development, LLC                  Norwood Street

Applicant seeks zoning regulation exemptions to locate a 104 unit development under M.G.L., Ch. 40B for affordable housing that includes 54 buildings, including a clubhouse and wastewater treatment plant.  Property is identified as Pine Woods, Sharon and is located on Norwood Street and is situated in the Rural 1 Zoning District.

At the request of the Applicant the hearing has been continued until April 11.



#1567                          Avalon Sharon          361-363 Norwood St/80 Edge Hill Rd.

Applicant seeks a Comprehensive Permit under MGL Chapter 40B, section 20-23 for development of 156 residential units in multiple buildings.  Property is located at 361 Norwood Street, 363 Norwood Street and 80 Edge Hill Rd.  Town of Sharon Assessor’s Map 130, Lots 31-1 and 31, Map 131, lot 32.


The Board is reviewing the decision drafted by Town Counsel and changes where made to #19 and #32 in the General Conditions.


Walter is discussing the Boards concerns of low flow or ultra low (dual) appliances.  The Applicant and the Board of Selectman had discussed and an agreement was made as to the type of water saving measures they could incorporate into the project.  After Walter speaking with the Selectmen and Eric Hooper he found that the agreement was the Applicant shall install water saving washing machines having an Energy Star rating of 6 or less, low flow toilets, and low-flow showerheads in each of the apartments.


The Board discussed the difference between the dual Vs low flow flush toilets.


Walter had a letter from Eric Hooper that was sent to the Applicant basically giving them an exemption from ultra low toilets.


Scott Dale representing Avalon states that an agreement was reached with the Selectmen stating they would use low flow washing machines and not the toilets.


Beth Green, Sharon resident states that she read in the Selectman’s minutes comments supporting Mr. Dale’s statement.


Eric Hooper states from the D.P.W.’s point of view the low flow washing machine would save more water than ultra low flush toilets.  Because what is mandated by the plumbing code you can not buy a toilet that flushes more than 1.6 but, you can buy a washer that uses more water.


A motion was made for The Applicant to pay legal expenses of the draft of the decision.  Lee seconded the motion.  All in favor.


The Board made a Motion to grant the Comprehensive Permit for case #1567 Avalon Sharon.  Lee votes to approve the motion with the amendments discussed this evening. The Board voted all in favor.


Hearing closed at 8:45 p.m.



#1569              Nussbaum, Beth and Kern, Michael                 25 Moose Hill Pkwy.

Applicants seek two findings and two special permits relative to proposed expansion to in a structure on a nonconforming lot.  Property is located at 125 Moose Hill Pkwy. and is situated in the Single Residence A Zoning  within the Ground Water Protection District.


Sitting on case: John, Kevin and Walter


John viewed both properties at 25 Moose Hill Pkwy and 19 Moose Hill Pkwy.  And does not feel that the project would obstruct the view or be detrimental to the neighborhood at 19 Moose Hill Pkwy.


Lee questioned that there was no site easement to protect anyone being able to build and obstruct the view on 19 Moose Hill Pkwy.


The Board reviewed the Applicants final plans.


A vote was taken:


Kevin – Yes

Lee – Yes

John – No


Condition: As depicted on revised plans dated 11/28/06 will not excited 25ft. from the ground on the northern side facing 19 Moose Hill Pkwy.


The Board will speak with Town Counsel in regards to this vote.


 Next Zoning Board meeting is scheduled on March 28 at 8:00 p.m. in Town Hall.